Intellectual Property complaints

If you wish to send in a notice and takedown request regarding alleged intellectual property infringement then please read all the information on this page before doing so.

Information about Supersales

Supersales is a search platform on which many hundreds of companies advertise their products. Supersales has no control over the products, information and / or images which advertisers upload to the Supersales platform. Supersales thus acts as a mere conduit and has no active involvement with the content of what is posted on our platform. At Supersales, we do not keep products in stock or sell anything.

Notice and takedown

If you believe an item uploaded by a company infringes intellectual property rights and want to start a Notice and takedown procedure, please follow the following steps:

  1. First contact the company / companies that you suspect to have infringed the intellectual property rights and try to resolve the issue with them.

  2. If you cannot resolve the matter with the company / companies, send in a notice and takedown request following the guidelines below:
    • Report your copyright complaint in writing;
    • Include a description of the work that is claimed to have been infringed, and a description of the content on our site that you claim infringes your intellectual property;
    • Provide information sufficient for us to locate the material on our site (e.g. URLs and screenshots);
    • Provide complete contact information (full name, postal address, email address and phone number);
    • Provide an electronic or physical signature confirming that you are the owner of the intellectual property or are authorised to act on behalf of the owner;
    • Give a declaration that:
      1. You have a good faith belief that use of the described copyrighted content is not authorised by the copyright owner, its agent or the law;
      2. The information in the complaint is accurate;
      3. Under penalty of perjury, you are the owner or authorised to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive copyright that is allegedly infringed.

How to submit your complaint

The fastest way to get a response is to send an email to We strive to response within three businessdays after receiving the request.

If you must send your notice by physical mail, you can do that too, but it will take substantially longer for us to receive and respond to it. If you still wish to mail us your notice, our physical address is:


  • SuperSales B.V.
  • Attn: NTD Agent
  • Sisalbaan 5A
  • 2352AZ Leiderdorp
  • The Netherlands